Why developers prefer github?

GitHub is an open-source platform, and the community is really what fuels it. There are millions of programmers and hobbyists that download, review, and evaluate each other's work. Moreover, GitHub is the platform of choice for developers from various large corporations, too. Microsoft is the number one contributor to the system, but there are also Google, SAP, AirBnB, IBM, PayPal, and many others.Unless you develop a very sensitive project, you’d be silly to not post your code on GitHub. Pushing the project to a shared, public repository makes it instantly discoverable for those 28M users. Exposure and insight that you can get on GitHub are simply unmatched by any other platform. And this goes the other way around — you can discover code written by others, learn from it, and even use it for your own projects.Versions control on GitHub works much like on MS Office or Google Drive — it tracks all the changes made to your code and who makes them. You can always review the detailed changelog that neatly hosts all of the relevant information. Having such a version history is a must when you collaborate with someone on the same project. Especially when the number of contributors surpasses double digits.GitHub is not the only repository, but it’s definitely the trend-setting one. So what’s next? After GitHub’s acquisition, the future of the platform looks even more promising. As Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella has put it: “We are committed to being stewards of the GitHub community, which will retain its developer-first ethos, operate independently and remain an open platform.”

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